
I am currently a junior at the University of Texas at Arlington, majoring in the Computer Science.
I am currently a junior at the University of Texas at Arlington, majoring in the Computer Science.
Software Engineering Intern, Ripple May 2021 - September 2021
• Built a browser extension using JS and Spring boot to convert the crypto-currency into traditional currency which leveraged XRPL for real-time gross settlement system as part of Ripple Innovate. • Worked over API to synchronize Slack with Google Suite for real-time updates over Gmail/Google calendar to increase the user engagement by 64%. • Built a logging and monitoring dashboard for SaaS applications using Grafana and Prometheus (Time series database). Undergrduate Research Assistant, Innovative Data Intelligence Research Laboratory July 2020 - Present • Worked with Dr. Chengkai Li to build multiple internal applications for a live fact-checking tool, Claimbuster, using Python which fetches data from various sources and updates their response in JSON and PostgreSQL. • Designed and developed a RESTful API for researchers to query IDIR. January 2020 - Present Web Developer - OIT Enterprise Architecture, UT Arlington • Managed UTA’s website using HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript on the Sitecore CMS. • Provided Technical support and solved issues related to IT for UT Arlington. • Worked with the Modern Languages Department and College of Architecture to complete the Windows 10 migration project and transition from hard disk drive to solid state drives. • Managed Service Now tickets, CrashPlan (A back-up software), Windows & macOS's images. • Managed the encryption process using SecureDoc(AES 256-bit encryption). Summer 2019 Web Developer, Success Marketing • Worked as a web developer to build a fast and scalable website to facilitate and increase sales by adding information and images of inventory which improved their market reach by 35%. • Increased the company’s visibility globally by creating a web application using React, CSS, and Google APIs.CSE Major, Class of 22!
I am a Maverick Academic Scholarship reciepient.
September 2020 Supply Spot – YHacks '20 Yale University
Web Application for hospitals to find blood donors on-demand or in case of emergency by sending alerts. • Developed this using Python, Flask, for synchronized communication.November 2019 Finviser – HackTX '19 UT Austin
FinVisor is a personalized financial adviser android application that keeps a track of your gross income and spendings. Managing personal finances is a tough task for many people. Credit cards and debt make it easy for people to overspend, so our app provides users with financial advice based on their monthly expenses and balance so that they stay informed at all times and make good decisions. • Deployed a Web App using Mongo DB, React.js, Python, and Flask to help people manage their finances. • Created a finance advisor chatbot with IBM’s Watson AI on Bluemix, IBM’s cloud service with Slack’s API.January 2019 Fotention – TamuHack '19 Texas A&M College Station
Fotention tells people to get off the phone and focus on what they can do without a phone (spending time with families, friends, hobbies,...). The app will reward user points base on how long they stay off the phone. And finally, the user then can use points to trade goods (coupons, flight tickets, cash,....). • Helped with the UI + coding the web-app side using React.jsMay 2018 - July 2018 Parallel Parking helper for vehicles
• Created laser-guided hardware for automobiles which helps them park parallelly. • Coded Arduino with C for detecting the edges of the vehicle.Fall 2018 - Present Class Projects
• Vending Machine Software (C++) - A vending machine controller code that can deploy items, change, w/ refil functions etc. all coded using OOP. • Character Guessing Game (C++. GTKMM) - Basic GUI based character guessing game where all elements are rendered using C++ code and GTKMM libraries. • Lyrics Guessing Game (C) - Typing based lyrics guessing game with points system, multiple levels, lives, etc. • Movie Theater Chain Management Software (C) - A complete solution for ticket sales across multiple locations with multiple movies on multiple screens. • Restaurant Order Management Software (C) - A complete solution for a small restaurant for order management and money management. • Ascii Drawing Tool (C) - A simple drawing tool that takes in any 3 letters and renders them on a canvas using the users choice of ASCII characters. • GPA Calculator (Java) - Basic GPA calculator based on UTA's grading poicies. • Data Sort/Filter/Search (Java) - An extensive sort/filter/search program that takes in a text file, arranges it in arrays and outputs it in a text file based on options chosen by the user.This is bold and this is strong. This is italic and this is emphasized. This is superscript text and this is subscript text. This is underlined and this is code: for (;;) { ... }
. Finally, this is a link.
Fringilla nisl. Donec accumsan interdum nisi, quis tincidunt felis sagittis eget tempus euismod. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus vestibulum. Blandit adipiscing eu felis iaculis volutpat ac adipiscing accumsan faucibus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus lorem ipsum dolor sit amet nullam adipiscing eu felis.
i = 0;
while (!deck.isInOrder()) {
print 'Iteration ' + i;
print 'It took ' + i + ' iterations to sort the deck.';